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Artwork by Piper Cote

Mission Statement

The Monterey High School Digital Arts Program seeks to provide world-class education to students grades 9-12 in the areas of photography, video production, digital music production, web design, digital illustration, animation and 3D modeling (in process).


MHS Digital Arts is a Career-Technical-Education (CTE) program which receives support from Monterey High School, the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District's CTE Department, the Arts-Media-Performance (AMP) Academy through a California Partnership Academy Grant, as well as various local agencies to include the Arts 4 Monterey County, the Pacific Grove Art Center, the City of Seaside's Avery Gallery, the Cherry Center Foundation of Carmel, the Carmel Artist's Association, the Harrison Memorial Library Association, the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP), the Chapman Foundation and many other private local donors.  


Exhibitions & Shows

"High School Photography Contest"

Harrison Memorial Library

Carmel, California


"Thinking Out Loud: High School Art Show"

Cherry Center Gallery

Carmel, California


February - March

"Annual Youth Art Competition"

Avery Gallery, City of Seaside

Seaside, California


March - April

"Student Solo & Group Exhibitions"

Pacific Grove Art Center

Pacific Grove, CA


Various times throughout the year

"MHS Digital Arts Festival"

Monterey High School​

Monterey, CA



Events & Field Trips

"24-24-24 Digital Art Marathon"

"Digital Art Battle" 

Monterey High School

Monterey, CA


Various times throughout the year

"National Portfolio Day"

California College of the Arts

San Francisco, CA


November and March

Museum of Modern Art

DeYoung Museum

Legion of Honor

San Francisco, CA


Various times throughout the year

Academy of Art University

California College of the Arts

San Francisco Art Institute

San Francisco, CA


Various times throughout the year

Contact Us:

Martha Tonkin

MHS Digital Arts Instructor

(831) 392-3801 x1026

Thanks for submitting!

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